RM Analyzer Help

Results Viewer

Result Viewer is new post-processing tool in RM Bridge. New functionality will continue to be added since it is still in development. However, it is possible to prepare drawings for LC/Envelope results, reinforcement results, structure and visualization of traffic loads.

The drawing generation is based on frames prepared in CAD programs. It is possible to use predefined sheet borders as the frames or to prepare your own frames. There are no restrictions for Frame Definition, only some provisions for certain objects which are referenced by the program.

Drawing generation can be started by clicking on the Create New Drawing dialog button or by right click on Results Viewer and choosing the Create New Drawing dialog option. In the window that opens the Drawing name must be specified, and a Frame or Template has to be chosen. The difference between the two is explained below.

  • "Frame" – a CAD file that has been prepared for surrounding the object(s) which will be generated by the program. It is similar to a sheet border. The result type(s), elements, and result options have to be specified to complete the drawing definition.
  • "Template" – a predefined intermediate drawing state where the "Frame" and "Result type" are defined and cannot be changed. The elements and result options have to be specified to complete the drawing definition. It is possible to define your own templates.

Once a drawing is finalized, it is possible to copy it by clicking on the Copy drawing button for easier and faster drawing production. The complete drawing definition of the selected drawing will be copied, and certain parameters (e.g., internal force, load case, etc.) can be changed to create a new drawing.

Note: If changes are made to the structural model, any existing drawings will not be automatically updated. Drawings can be updated by clicking the Regenerate all button.

Also two buttons become visible: Generate and Preview.

By clicking on the Generate button a final drawing will be generated and shown in the preview window. The display in the preview window depends on the output selection in the General tab.
  • If DGN output is selected then drawing itself is shown
  • If XLS output is selected then a table is shown
  • If List output is selected then a list with numbers is shown

In cases when multiple outputs are selected, prioritization is made: DGN output before both other and XLS output before List output.

By clicking on the Preview button a certain preview is shown depending on the active tab. If the General tab is active, an overall view of the frame will be displayed. If the Structure tab is active, a preview of selected elements is shown. Otherwise (all other tabs) the corresponding result preview will be displayed.